Friday, October 7, 2011

41% of all live births in the USA, to Unwed Mothers

There are over 1.7 millions live births to Unwed Mothers, each year.
That’s 41% of all live births, to Unwed Mothers, in the USA.

The potential for over 1.7 millions Unwed Fathers, to never see their child again.

Many States have attempted to rectify this situation, by having Unwed Parents sign a Paternity Affidavit, stating that an Unwed Father truly is the child’s Father.

However, this doesn’t help, Unwed Biological Fathers, if the parents never make it to Court, to establish his fatherhood.

At birth, the Unwed Biological Mother, is given full Parental Rights, under the Law.
While the Unwed Biological Father, is given absolutely no Parental Rights at all.

The Law requires the Unwed Biological Father, to appear in Court, so that the Court can “officially” acknowledge him as the Father of the child.  However, this is for the sole purpose of establishing Child Support and absolutely nothing more.
That’s correct, the only Parental Right this Court can grant or cares about, is financial support for the Child, which it asks solely of the Father.  This Court is not concerned with nor considers Child Custody nor Child Visitation.

Since Unwed Biological Mothers, have full Parental Rights, they can decide if and when the Unwed Biological Father can see his own child.  Also, if the Unwed Biological Mother decides to move with the child, she does not have to seek the permission or even give any knowledge of the move, to the Unwed Biological Father.  A “worse case” scenario, if the Unwed Biological Mother decides to marry a man, who is not the Unwed Biological Father, and decides to have that man adopt the child.  Even though she is suppose to seek the permission of the Unwed Biological Father, to permit another man to adopt their child, if she does not go to extreme measures to notify him, of the possibility, then the child can be adopted, without the knowledge or consent of the Unwed Biological Father.  Therefore the Unwed Biological Father, loses the possibility of his Parental Rights with the child, and therefore loses his child, forever.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Parents Equal Rights Should Include Shared Trust

It's the God given right, of every child, to have both their biological parents in their lives.
[Until/Unless such time, as a parent(s) abuse(s) this right, at it's legally and just-fully taken away]

Biological Mothers, are given (by Law) full Parental Rights to a child, at birth.
Biological Fathers, are not necessarily given the same full Parental Rights.

Unwed Biological Fathers, are given (by Law or lack thereof) no Parental Rights to a child, at birth.

Until such time, as the Parents go before the Court, and the Court officially (and legally) acknowledges, the Unwed Biological Father, as the father of the child, the Unwed Biological Father has no Parental Rights.
Even then, this official (and legal) acknowledgment, is for the sole purpose of establishing Child Support for the child in question.  This means that Child Custody and Child Visitation, is a matter for another Court, not for this purpose or concern.  Therefore, the Unwed Biological Father, still has not been given any true Parental Rights, except the right to pay Child Support for the child to the Biological Mother.

To put this in some harsh perspective, the Biological Mother has the legal right, to move away with the child without the knowledge or consent of the Unwed Biological Father, and never has to tell him, where they are.  Also, the Biological Mother, can go one step further, and marry another man and allow him to adopt their daughter, without the knowledge or consent of the Unwed Biological Father.

This means, should the unwed parents never get to go to Court to establish the parental-ship of the Unwed Biological Father, he could legally, never see his child ever again, lose the relationship with that child forever.
Yes, this is a harsh but very true reality, I know because it happened to me.

Therefore, I have created P.E.R.S.I.S.T. to try to right, this terrible wrong.

I have even created an online petition asking the US Federal Government, our President, to consider doing something about this issue, but I need your help, please read below:

Dear friends, I wanted to let you know about a new petition I created on We the People, a new feature on, and ask for your support. Will you add your name to mine? If this petition gets 25,000 signatures by November 03, 2011, the White House will review it and respond! We the People allows anyone to create and sign petitions asking the Obama Administration to take action on a range of issues. If a petition gets enough support, the Obama Administration will issue an official response. You can view and sign the petition here: Here's some more information about this petition: Give Unwed Fathers Equal Rights under the Law, so that no Biological Mother, can take a child away, forever. Parents Equal Rights Should Include Shared Trust This includes the Parental Rights of Fathers, as well as Mothers. Currently, the Courts only see Fathers, as a means of child support, for Mothers and their children and nothing more. Unwed Fathers, under the Law, have no Parental Rights, until acknowledged by the Court, and then only as a means for Child Support. Biological Mothers are given full Parental Rights, at the birth of a child. Which means, the Biological Mother can withhold visitation, can move anywhere, with the child, without the Unwed Father's consent, and even worse, can marry another man, and have that man legally adopt the child without the consent of the Unwed Father, legally withholding his Parental Rights, forever. Our goal, is to make things equal under the Law.

Thank you, for your time, consideration, and cooperation, I truly appreciate it.

Together, we can help the next Unwed Biological Father, not agonize on a daily basis, with what I do.